Instructions for authors
1 - Silva Lusitana is an international journal that will consider all original research and experimental work, as well as review articles, in the forestry and related sciences.
2 - Work accepted by the Scientific Committee will be published in chronological order of arrival to the Editorial Board. The date of manuscript submission should be indicated by the authors at the end of the work.
3 - The manuscripts should be sent to:
Comissão Editorial da Revista Silva Lusitana,
INIAV, I.P. - Av. da República, Quinta do Marquês, 2780-157 OEIRAS, Portugal
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4 - Opinions and concepts are the responsibility of the authors.
5 - Clearly and succinctly written texts should be presented on A4 paper, on one side, with a left margin no less than 4 cm. The body should occupy 20 cm x 13.5 cm including tables, photos, footnotes, etc.
6 - The manuscripts should not exceed 25 A4 pages, including annexes and must be writtten in english.
7 - The manuscripts has to comply with the following:
- 7.1 - Title:
The title should be concise, specific and descriptive, not exceeding a maximum of 15 words. - 7.2 - Name of author:
The name of the author(s) should be followed by the professional title, the institution address where the scientific activity was carried out and an E-mail. - 7.3 - Abstract:
The abstract should be concise, about 2-3% of total text, and not exceed 200 words. Below the abstract, a maximum of 5 keywords that do not appear in the title should be given. An abstract plus the title and keywords must be submitted in English and Portuguese. - 7.4 - Tables and Figures:
These should be used whenever they promote understanding of the text. Their size must be such that, after reduction to the appropriate size, depending on the type of printing, their reproduction does not deviate from the type used in the text. Legends should be short and concise and have references, as appropriate. - 7.5 - Photos:
Good quality photos will be accepted and considered only if they are indispensable for understanding the text. The Editorial Board reserves the right to exclude photos that do not have the necessary quality and are considered excessive or nonessential. This will be done in consultation with the author(s). - 7.6 - Footnotes:
These should be short and kept to a minimum. Footnotes should be numbered successively and asterisks should not be used. - 7.7 - References:
In the text, the name(s) of author(s) should appear in uppercase followed by the publication year. When there are 3 or more authors, the name of the first author should be given followed by et al. and the publication date. References cited in the text together should appear in chronological order.
Examples: Book(A); Article(B); Article in Book(C)
- A) NATIVIDADE, J.V., 1950. Subericultura. Ministério da Economia, DGSFA, 387 pp.
- B) CABRAL, M.T., LOPES, F., SARDINHA, R.A., 1993. Determinação das causas da morte do sobreiro nos concelhos de Santiago de Cacém, Grândola e Sines. Relatório Síntese. Silva Lusitana 1(1): 7-24.
- C) SILVA, R., PÁSCOA, F., MARQUES, C.P., 1991. Modelação dinâmica dos povoamentos de pinheiro bravo. In Comunicações do I Encontro Sobre Pinhal Bravo, Material Lenhoso e Resina, SPCF/ESAC/CFC, Coimbra, pp. 123-130.
8 - Number of copies: The Authors should submit an original manuscript on paper, as well as on either CD or by E-mail.
9 - Proof reading: Initial proof reading will be done by the author(s). Changing more than 5% of the initial text will involve costs that will be supported by the author(s).
10 - Editing rights: All editing rights belong to Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária as Editor of Silva Lusitana journal.